Welcome to SoulStreet.ie

About Medium Amy-Marie

Amy-Marie was aware of the spirit world since she was a young child, but it was after two significant family losses in her early adult life that she truly started to understand and develop her spiritual gifts. Amy-Marie has achieved certification with international Medium and teacher Tony Stockwell. Amy-Marie has completed the Tony Stockwell mentorship scheme and the Tony Stockwell excellence in the teacher training program.

Amy-Marie has also completed the Tony Stockwell and Lynn Probert platform mediumship training program. Amy-Marie today is a popular demonstrating medium and private reader. Amy-Marie offers all types of readings and has given her clients great insight into their future. To see what she offers please go to the services section of her page to book a reading or group event.

Amy-Marie has used her time wisely during the lockdown of our personal freedoms to explore a very powerful Buddhist ( vajrayana) healing modality called Lama Fera.  Lama Fera dates back to 620 B.C and was originally taught in monasteries in Tibet until 1970 then it was taught to the ordinary person. Amy-Marie has trained intensely under the direction of a powerful Guru, Dr. Subedi an international Himalayan shaman & Lama Fera master. Amy-Marie is thrilled to be the first practitioner and advanced healer of Lama Fera in Ireland and is currently sitting her masters so she herself can teach others this powerful modality. 
Amy- Marie is also a Master Teacher of Tera Mai Reiki for the past eight years and recently decided to learn Usui Reiki and is currently sitting her master’s level with Dr. Subedi. Amy-Marie is passionate about helping her clients to discover and heal the emotions and energy they’re holding onto to which is causing problems to their mind, body and soul. She helps her clients to release all that isn’t serving their highest good and brings a sense of peace to every soul she works with

My Grand Gurus

Whether you are a first-time visitor or returning, I would like to thank you for stopping by and welcome you to my official website Soul Street. This site is updated regularly so please come back often and utilize our features. For many years I have been blessed to use my psychic and medium abilities to connect with literally thousands of wonderful people, like you, from around the world. Proudly based in Graiguenamanagh Co, Kilkenny. People come to me in-person or via phone for psychic readings about current pressing matters and future opportunities and also to re-connect with the departed. As a professional psychic I tune deeply into your being to see the who, what and where details of your life experience and work with you to enhance and enrich all aspects of your journey. As a medium, I open myself to the spirits that wish to speak and to aid in bringing solace from our loved ones who have passed.

All the Best,

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