New moon solar eclipse

New moon solar eclipse on the summer solstice June 21st 2020

The new moon solar eclipse is happening at 0 degrees in cancer (tropical) but it is very close to two stars Betelgeuse and Menkalinan and the energy it gives will play out in your life for the next 6 months. This Eclipse will be visible in parts of Africa, India, and China be warned it will be a stormy solar eclipse of intense new beginnings!

An eclipse is an astronomical event; it is when one object in the sky moves into the shadow of another object. A solar eclipse occurs when the moon gets between the earth and the sun, therefore the shadow of the moon covers the earth’s surface giving it the name of the ring of fire, a solar eclipse can only take place at the phase of a new moon.

An eclipse on a solstice point is rare. The last time we had a Solar Eclipse on June solstice was 19 years ago – June 21st 2001.

In the Northern Hemisphere, it marks the Summer Solstice which is the longest day of the year, and in the Southern Hemisphere, it marks the Winter Solstice the shortest days of the year.

Eclipses always bring faith events into our lives, but this eclipse is with the north node our predestined path in this lifetime. Often we may veer off this path because, we do have free will and that is okay too, but this will bring you right back on it because your soul knows this is where your happiness lays for you J it may start off stressful and scary at first but it’s moving us where we need to be on our soul mission.

Those who will feel this strongest are those who have planets in the last degrees of the mutable signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces or in the first five degrees of the cardinal signs Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, you will need to check your chart to see if you have your sun, moon, rising, Venus and Mars in any of those signs, this will bring shocking events both good and bad.

A breakdown of how it may personally affect you through the signs:

Aries – This eclipse is happening in your 4th house, this can indicate some anger or frustration with your home or family that triggers you to start something new in your home environment, place of living or people that you live with, family members or parents. You may even move to a new place, buy a new property which starts new beginnings for you and pushes you on a new track, also it may indicate a new family member!

Taurus – This eclipse is happening in your 3rd house, this can indicate stormy emotions with siblings, relative, neighbours and friends, online or anybody that’s in your daily environment, try to confront it with a calm manner, you may express it in a video or with words or over social media as these are all 3rd house matters. It may push you do start a new business project, learning something new, or even write a book!

Gemini – This eclipse is happening in your 2nd house, this can trigger you to change your material situation, and it can push you to change your financial situation, to initiate and take control of your resources. Some new source of income can come, new assets, and to be self-sufficient and to be able to rely on and support yourself. The 2nd house is about your self-worth you may take steps out of anger to raise your self-esteem than your income increases because you realise you are worth much more!

Cancer- This is happening in your 1st house of self, of your health and how you take care of your body. Frustration and anger can trigger you to make those changes of how you present yourself in the world and your life on many levels. This can start with an identity crisis but it can push you to take control of your life and to gain leadership or in the lives of important males to you, including your father!

Leo- This is happening in your 12th house, you may become extremely intuitive, receiving downloads of information from the other worlds as the veil will be very thin from you to them, Or you may receive it through a psychic medium because you are allowed to have this information, it may come from a dream, your subconscious or from divine inspiration. The 12th house is also the house of hidden enemies so you may just uncover something that was hidden behind your back this bringing changes and new beginnings in your relationships or faraway places!

Virgo- This is happening in your 11th house it can indicate some storms in friendships or groups you are a part of, you can express your controlled anger through protests, it can awaken a new interest through society, the world, politics, and humanitarian interests. The 11th house is also of gains, you can start a new business opportunity, new project and receive gains from this, and it may also connect to your goals and dreams!

Libra- This is happening in your 10th house of career and social status. There might be a stormy relationship with a boss or father figure, institution. If something is unfair you may direct this anger into creating change in these areas, it may push you to change your social status, have new beginnings in your career, taking control of your career bringing you more independence and freedom. Having the strength and courage to change what you’re not happy with!

Scorpio- This is happening in your 9th house, it can indicate power struggles to your belief systems, how you perceive the world, you may feel anger to what’s happening in the world or around you,  it will push you to state your truth and the things you believe in you may even travel or relocate because of this. You may start studying higher knowledge subjects now, to teach or to counsel others; a new teacher may appear to help you in your new beginnings by pushing your buttons first!

Sagittarius – This is happening in your 8th house, it can indicate some secrets and/or private information might be revealed that might bring up anger that pushes you to take action, it may bring up a crisis in your relationships with others, it also may bring in new lovers and soul mates, 8th house is of pregnancy so that may be a new beginning for some. There may be some frustrations to resources that push you into new beginnings with resources from your partner, and more income from your partner!

Capricorn- This is happening in your 7th house of relationships, some of you will meet a fated partner that stays in your life for a long-time that brings sunshine but it will have come about from some storm in your life, if you already have a partner it may bring about new beginnings in their life coming from some crisis so you may need to adapt to this, changes will happen through partnerships. You may get frustrated about the relationship status that pushes you to find a new partner; it can also be brought in new business partnerships! The 7th is also about open enemies so you may have confrontations and you express your anger so they may not bring harm to you and in turn, bring about new beginnings!

Aquarius- This is happening in your 6th house, it may bring changes to your health, it indicates changes in, how you exercise, bad habits, physical and mental addictions, finding and diagnosing problems to change and bring about new beginnings that may have come from a crisis of some kind or from frustrations, even at work and it may push you to find new work or projects!

Pisces- This is happening in your 5th house, it can indicate a new love life or a reboot of your love life which can be stormy, or come from frustrations and it triggers you to change and fix the romantic and fun sides of the relationships. It may push you to go on holiday or to go out and have more fun in your life! Explorations of your fun side and/or your creative side, It also connects to children, so it may push you to have a more emotional new beginning with your children, and having more fun with them!

Remember these events happen for a reason, to shift us back on the path of our soul’s journey so that we can make the changes that will transformation of our lives for our greater good, positive transformation starts by consciously and consistently choosing to have faith, hope, and love.

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