Spiritual Healing Services

Spiritual Guidance

Life changes

Life begins at 40

You don’t need to be 40 to purchase this ritual however, are you feeling stuck and stagnant in life? Are you watching others live their best lives while your just coming and going? Existing but not living? Feeling caged in and wanting to break free? Then this is the ritual for you! This ritual is done using candles that have been invoked with powerful Tibetan symbols, this will change your life, but more importantly change your soul forever! This is a 3 part ritual by the end of it you will have empowered your soul from within to make these much needed changes in your life. No more procrastinating about life, its time to live it!
Every individual is unique and every service is unique also contact us for a more detailed guide but 
pricing starts from 500 euros for Life Review work

See you on the other side of fear

This is a serious ritual that will bring massive breakthroughs in your life! Have you always been fearful? Held yourself back in situations because of fear? Are you sick of feeling like this? Do you want to kiss goodbye to fear and living your life like this? Then this is the ritual for you! This ritual involves a potion that infuses for 21 days after you order, these are not mass produced as your personal intentions need to be in them while I’m creating them. Once you’ve received your potion in person or by post, this ritual is completed in one night, that is how powerful it is! This potion needs to be washed once its been on four hours! This ritual is not suitable for pregnant or breast feeding mothers unfortunately!
Every individual is unique and every service is unique also contact us for a more detailed guide but 
pricing starts from 600 euros for Life Ritual work


Have you always struggled in life? Hard to find your feet with one thing after another? Needing a break from hardship? Do you feel your life is like a magnet for struggling situations? Do you feel this is all life has to offer you? Think again! This ritual was designed to break you free from this type of illusion. Life does not have to be lived like this a moment longer. This ritual is done using candles that have been invoked with powerful Tibetan symbols, by the end of this 3 part ritual you will be living your best life without struggle in sight!
Every individual is unique and every service is unique also contact us for a more detailed guide but 
pricing starts from 300 euros for Struggle Recovery work

Never content

Are you or somebody you know never contented with life and what you have in it? Do you want to stop feeling like this? Do you want to live life again feeling grateful for everything you have? Then this is the ritual for you! This ritual is done using candles that have been invoked with powerful Tibetan symbols, by the end of this 3 part ritual, you will have rewired your thinking to appreciate everything and everyone around you!
Every individual is unique and every service is unique also contact us for a more detailed guide but 
pricing starts from 300 euros for Rejuvination work

At least it’s not a bed sore - Addiction Work

The title is a little bit misleading, it’s not about bedsores lol it’s about conquering addictions! Are you or somebody you know struggling with addictions? Is yours or somebody you know, life falling apart because of addictions? Do you or somebody you know want to break free of these bad habits forever? Then this is the ritual for you! This ritual is done using candles that have been invoked with powerful Tibetan symbols, by the end of this 5 part ritual, the habit of addiction will be broken, the symptoms of withdrawals will be eliminated permanently. The life of the addict will be changed forever!
Every individual is unique and every service is unique also contact us for a more detailed guide but 
pricing starts from 500 euros for Addiction Rituals work

Swallow your pride

Is your pride getting in the way of you living a happy life? Have you missed out on opportunities because of it? Is it getting in the way of you and your happiness? Do you want to start living right now? Then this is the ritual for you! This ritual is done using candles that have been invoked with powerful Tibetan symbols, by the end of this 5 part ritual you wont even know why you held onto pride for so long. You will have broken free from all those limiting beliefs systems that kept you stuck, you will now be free to live your best life.
Every individual is unique and every service is unique also contact us for a more detailed guide but 
pricing starts from 500 euros for 5 Part Ritual work

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If you’re looking for high quality and personal service, you’ve come to the right place. Medium Amy Marie will give you the attention and personal service you’ll come to expect and enjoy 100% satisfactory.

Psychic Reading


  • This is only for online readings and healings, For in-person readings and healings, please email me first at amymarie@soulstreet.ie
  • Any ritual with a potion can only be shipped to Ireland, UK, Europe and US only and P&P is extra ( it has to be infused for that period and uses straight away or it’s useless).
  • For all spells you need to email your name, or the name of the person you are getting it for, or both.
  • The problem or illness also needs to be emailed.
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