Spiritual Rituals and Hidden Truths

Spiritual Guidance

The Shadow Self

Let them try you they be wishing they never tried you €500

So this ritual is for anybody that finds themselves the victim of dark souls attacking you, like I myself have been! ( I don’t like to use the word victim I prefer to use survivor) they’re the real victims of their own darkness, they sadly refuse to heal. Not healing any of the above traits will cost you dearly in life. So if you can relate to any of the above this ritual is for you! This ritual , candles are used invoked with powerful Tibetan symbols , that will literally pull the darkness out of you ! Remember when hurt and pain is projected at you, it seeps into your energy system. The environment we grow up in can have this type of effect on you. This 3 part ritual will send back all negative energy to its source, doubled. Once this darkness is sent back it will leave you feeling so full of light and contented while the aggressor faces their karma.

What secrets were you not told €500

Have you spent a good part of your life with a compulsive liar like I have? Do you know there’s secrets out there but they’ve not been revealed? Do you want to bring the hidden out to the surface? Do you really want light to be shown on the darkness? Do you know somebody is lying to you and you cant prove it? Now you can because this ritual is a must if you’ve answered yes to any of the above questions. You only need to look at my truth bomb playlist on YouTube to see how well this ritual works ha. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSaFCTs0YwYvxfbJGjYulKGBAZKiWLH2H In this ritual , candles are used invoked with powerful Tibetan symbols and an equally powerful channeled spell, together it will reveal things that may seem impossible but everything is possible with the right ritual! This 5 part ritual will have you seeing people for their true self, nothing can be left hidden once this is completed, believe me!

Be careful what you wish for €500

Have you ever wanted something so badly and were glad you never got it in the end? Did you almost make a disastrous mistake in marrying someone ( Like me) only to be relieved you canceled it? Do you find you make bad decisions, one after the other because you rushed in without thinking? Have you received somebody you wished for but cant get rid of the fuckface from your life? Well now you can, permanently. In this ritual , candles are used invoked with powerful Tibetan symbols and an equally powerful channeled spell, together it will remove anything unwanted in your life, regardless of who or what it is! By the end of this 5 part ritual you will be free of any fuckface, and or limiting belief of self to make correct and grounded decisions in your life, you wont be making any more mistakes ever again!

Shadows of the night €500

Are you dealing with somebody that’s pure evil? Somebody with demonic attachments? Are you seeing dark shadows in your home or around people? Are you dealing with a real life demon ( A narcissist, because they all have attachments ) ? Or just nasty pieces of shits like I’ve had to? Have you been on the receiving end of black magic? Or anybody in the home on serious drugs ( I’m not talking weed here)? If you have this ritual is for you! This is one powerful fucking ritual, it needs to be considering what’s been dealt with here! Make no mistake demons are very real and attach on to people to feed of their energy and send them down a path of destruction and suffering! This type of energy in a home will cause havoc, fights and illness. If you’ve seen these shadows in your home, its clearly attached to somebody and they will also need to (Separate to this ritual ) have a demonic attachment removal done, you can purchase by clicking this link https://soulstreet.ie/services/. This 5 part ritual combined with the demonic attachment removal will give you and your family your life back, no bad energy causing havoc, no more headaches and being in a cunt of a mood, you will be happy and healthy again and will go back to enjoying life before this darkness took over your soul, life and home.

Green with envy €300

Are you a jealous cunt or have been on the receiving end of one? Do you want to cure this green eyed monster in yourself or somebody else before it causes serious illnesses in your body ( Because it really does causes cancer)? Now you can, and I hope my haters are reading this, SEE there’s even hope for you fuckfaces after all! In this ritual , candles are used invoked with powerful Tibetan symbols and an equally powerful channeled spell, together it will change your thinking and stop you from being a jealous cunt, because that is poison to the physical body. This 3 part ritual will leave you so confident with a belief in self, you wont have time to hate on others you’ll be focused on you, and that’s all you had to do all along. Focus on you, your lane and don’t be worrying what anybody else is doing because YOU should be the most important person to you, not another.

Trust in the divine €500

Have you lost your connection to God? No faith in God or a higher source? do you feel disconnected from self and feelings of being lost in life? Then this is the ritual for you! This ritual promises to give you a sense of been connected to that higher power. A feeling of belonging and knowing you are safe and protected and that you are not alone in this universe. This 5 part ritual will be worth its weight in gold for you, life will truly not be the same once its completed and that is a blessing you deserve! This ritual is done by candle by invoking it with powerful Tibetan symbols and channeled spells. In this ritual , candles are used invoked with powerful Tibetan symbols and an equally powerful channeled spell, together it will change your thinking and stop you from being a jealous cunt, because that is poison to the physical body. This 3 part ritual will leave you so confident with a belief in self, you wont have time to hate on others you’ll be focused on you, and that’s all you had to do all along. Focus on you, your lane and don’t be worrying what anybody else is doing because YOU should be the most important person to you, not another.

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  • This is only for online readings and healings, For in-person readings and healings, please email me first at amymarie@soulstreet.ie
  • Any ritual with a potion can only be shipped to Ireland, UK, Europe and US only and P&P is extra ( it has to be infused for that period and uses straight away or it’s useless).
  • For all spells you need to email your name, or the name of the person you are getting it for, or both.
  • The problem or illness also needs to be emailed.
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