Their destiny is YOU! 01/05/2024

“ I’m just done I’m sick of this shit” I’m hearing 🙀.
Somebody is about to give into their desire for another , passion is wrote on that card and there’s nobody more passionate than a king of wand (Aries/Leo/Sagittarius) I’m feeling Sagittarius plus we’ve got the wheel of fortune so if not their sun sign it could be their rising sign.
New found confidence and self belief in self is driving this MAN forward ( Not every male is a man) but this one is he’s truly stable in every sense, emotionally and psychologically normal.

( Fuck this is RARITY considering the evolution of the masculine energy). Somebody is going to be talking to somebody and the chemistry will just be heightened as something else!
I do feel this defensive energy in somebody over something they’ve seen/saw/dreamed I feel it was hurtful to experience but the flip side is it’s changed how somebody feels it’s like a red button has been switched on towards another person so like anger and really setting boundaries here and standing your ground, well done 👏🏻
I feel there’s going to be a message/email sent to somebody if it’s not already come, somebody wants to talk but offer you something ( All knights are offers) the knight of pentacles ( Taurus/Virgo/Capricorn) is the most loyal and trustworthy one, you can trust this!

No longer wanting to watch you from a distance somebody is travelling towards they can’t stop thinking about. Obsessed but not fucked up crazy obsessed like my ex’s for an eg.
It’s like repetitive thoughts/scenario’s playing in somebody mind and it’s enough like.
I’m hearing QUEEN 🎶 “ I want to break free “ so somebody is about to leave a restrictive environment and move , a new house a new location and all because they let go of lack/doubts and fear and believed in themselves .( There’s always a blessing after doing soul work 😉).

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