Medium Amy-Marie

I am so glad that you are here and it is my deepest desire to be able to answer the questions of your heart and soul and make your path more joyful, serene, and clear.

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Welcome to Psychic Medium Amy-Marie

Medium amy-marie welcomes you to her website, in this video she explains how she works. Check out my latest Podcast on Beacon of Light Radio.

International Psychic | Medium | Healer | Teacher


Amy-Marie was aware of the spirit world since she was a young child, but it was after two significant family losses in her early adult life that she truly started to understand and develop her spiritual gifts. Amy-Marie has achieved certification with international Medium and teacher Tony Stockwell. Amy-Marie has completed the Tony Stockwell mentorship scheme and the Tony Stockwell excellence in teacher training program.

Spiritual Services

Sometimes it’s nice to have a little help in knowing what’s coming in the future; and it’s even nicer when one of our loved ones that have crossed over to the other side comes through to guide us


In this reading, the focus is about you and your life. Where you are, where you’ve been and where you are going

In this reading medium Amy-Marie will connect with the spirit world and look at areas of your life where you need guidance. She will offer guidance to help you on your path..

Psychic and mediumship readings cards. You may also have photos to hand of your passed over loved ones or somebody in the living who you may be concerned about.

Soul work is a very powerful way of looking at who you truly are, deep within.

Love & Twinflame reading using both psychic and soul to connect to yours and your persons soul to gather what needs to be worked on to improve this connection and offer guidance on your twin flame souls journey. You may forward on pictures before or during your reading.

These assessments are only open to people who are already working on their spiritual development. In this reading, Amy-Marie will focus on your spiritual work, where you have been, where you presently are and where you are going. She will do this by connecting with your guides who will then; themselves offer you further guidance to help you on this path you’ve embarked on!



Reiki level one is the start of your healing journey. You will learn the importance of healing ourselves, you will learn the self-practice of Reiki for yourself, others and animals.

Eight weekly Live sessions Via zoom, participants of this group will be given a link to join a private group on telegram. Pre-recorded videos and written exercises will be given for you to practice with your partner I will set for you. All exercises must be practiced with one another before our live session.

Mentoring sessions are open to all levels of spiritual development, from the complete beginner to the advanced student. I work on a 121 basis and help you move forward in your development.


Amy-Marie is trained in many healing modalities; a healing session with her is powerful. She does use Reiki symbols during this..

This healing requires no touching of the physical body and is used by Channelling the energy of lord Buddha by using symbols into your charkas and organs. This healing is excellent for the removal of evil spirits, black magic, OCD, anxiety, depression, fear, and addictions.

A combination of three healing modalities. This is a deep transformative healing that goes deep within your subconscious mind to find memories/trauma from this and past lives that is currently effecting this lifetime and blocking your spiritual growth and health of your mind, body & soul. Powerful Lama-Fera symbols are then used to drag negative energies from your body to bring that into a state of balance. This option requires at least five sessions, each session is approximately 1.5 to 2 hrs in length.

Do you want to sit in the sun without taking immune suppressing tablets? This one hour session with Amy-Marie will give you back your outside life again. She will with the help of her shamanic guide will lead you on a journey to taking back your life and having the sun and all elements working for you again, you will no longer need to take tablets, have itchy rashes or suffer sun poisoning again.

Do you want to cure your hay fever without taking immune suppressing tablets? This one hour session with Amy-Marie will give you back your life again. She will with the help of her shamanic guide will lead you on a journey to taking back your life and having nature and all elements working for you again, you will no longer need to take tablets, have red watered eyes, sneezing, blocked nose and rashes. Healing can be in person only (if based in Southern Ireland) and are priced at Do you want to cure your hay fever without taking immune suppressing tablets? This one hour session with Amy-Marie will give you back your life again. She will with the help of her shamanic guide will lead you on a journey to taking back your life and having nature and all elements working for you again, you will no longer need to take tablets, have red watered eyes, sneezing, blocked nose and rashes. Healings can be done in person only (if based in Southern Ireland).


*All spells now from channeled spells*

Take back your life

Amy-Marie with the help of her shaman guide will reach an altered state of consciousness, to go into the unseen realms of spirit to find your soul fragments and address whatever caused your soul to fragment.

Want to remove an unwanted person from your life permanently? A trouble maker? A jilted ex? A vicious liar that slanders you? Amy-Marie has just the thing for you! After purchasing please email the persons first name you want removed from your life, what kind of trouble they are causing in your life that you want to end and where they are from.

Find yourself the victim of black magic? Are you having a bad run of luck in life? Are you suffering with health problem after health problem? Do you want to bring an end to this? After purchasing email the name of the person you suspect is causing it, the issues involved, and where they are from. Three spells are preformed to bring an end to your problems.

Are you under threat from seen and unseen forces? Do you feel you need added protection from enemies? Do you want peace of mind that you will be protected by higher beings? Do you want to feel safe again? Then this is the spell for you! After purchasing please email the threat you can see ( I’ll take care of the unseen) their first names and where their from.

Do you feel somebody has summoned a demon on you? Or you just feel one has attached itself to you and you want rid? Are you plagued? Is life falling apart and your suddenly feeling negative and no energy and headaches constantly? Do you feel like something is watching you and your seeing dark hooded spirits from the corner of your eyes? Then this service is for you, please purchase sage to burn in your home before purchasing this service as it is a requirement! Email a brief description of what’s happening in your life, your current mood and feelings.

Toggle ContentIs your family been plagued by certain illness down your family line? Do you feel there’s a lot of bad karma in your family? Does bad luck run in your family and follow you everywhere? Do you feel you and your family have been cursed ( it’s very real )? Then this ritual must be completed to remove it from you, one price for the entire bloodline!

Are you under attack by a hoodoo/voodoo practitioner? Are bad and unfortunate things happing in your life on a daily basis? Do you know anybody who does hoodoo/voodoo and you feel there doing it to you also? Then this is the ritual for you!

This ritual involves a potion that needs to be infused for 21 days before rubbing on the body for the first of 3 rituals. This is a power ritual that also uses candles that are invoked with powerful Tibetan symbols. Take back your life for once and for all and fuck these people, let’s see how they like that energy returned, doubled!

This ritual is to seek the upmost protection you can get from the dark forces. Spiritual warfare is no joke and is especially hard on children when they are dragged into it by evil souls ( I know my daughter, mum and cat were attacked as much as me) We are lucky we are alive and not dead from what was done to us all.

This is a 5 part ritual and there’s none like it for protection against it (my family are living proof of this ) take back your life and allow what they’re sending you bounce back a thousand fold. Karma is always a bitch.

Is your health and mental health suffering because of the dark attacks? Has your health suffered since demons were summoned to you? Do you want a return to normality? Then this is the ritual for you!

This 3 part ritual will break you free of all of the above. You will not only have peace back in your life but your sanity will resume. This powerful ritual is preformed by candles that have been invoked by powerful Tibetan symbols and channeled spell! Life does not need to be lived like this anymore, take it back, today!

Have you even cursed? Do you feel like one has been put on you? Curses are out on your soul so it’s possible it wasn’t put on you in this incarnation! We can be cursed in every aspect of our lives, if it’s not your karma it needs to be removed. Contact Amy~Marie to check and see if one indeed is placed on your soul and needs removing. 

Love, Soulmates and Twinflame

Are you dealing with a separation from the person you love? Want to bring them back closer to you, and fast? Tired of waiting and watching life pass you by then this is the ritual for you. This ritual is more in depth than the others, it does involve infusing a potion for 21 days. this one cant be rushed so if your in a hurry this isn’t the one for you. After you receive your potion, in person or posted you need to rub it all over your body before the first ritual online/in person takes place, you will leave it to soak on you overnight, this is a 3 part ritual the first being the night you rub potion on your body.

Are you unsure of yourself, and trusting to have love in your life? Want to feel more confident in yourself and to others? Wishing you can magically change overnight? Well now you can because this ritual will bring out your true self, no more sitting on the shelf waiting for somebody to approach you, you will go out there and get it for yourself. Like the see you soon ritual, this ritual also involves a potion which needs to be infused for 21 days after the order is received, after you receive your potion in person or posted you will need to rub it all over your body before the first online/in person ritual begins, you will also leave it to soak on you overnight, this to is a 3 part ritual the first being the night you rub potion on your body.

Tired of always doing more in your relationship than your partner? Wishing then could invest as much as you? Do you want a 50/50 relationship where your other half meets you in the middle? Then this ritual is for you! After completing this ritual your going to feel like your with a new person, you wont recognize the change in your partner and who doesn’t need this ! Like the other two rituals this also involves a potion that needs to be infused for 21 days after the order has been received. After you receive your potion in person or posted you will also need to rub and soak in the body before the first of three rituals takes place, leave on the body overnight.

Divine feminine , can I get your attention here! Are you, like me sick of waiting on your Divine masculine? Want to do something to push this fucker closer to you, quickly? Here’s the ritual created for this issue, there is a god after all! There’s no potion involved with this ritual but it is as equally powerful as the others!

Divine masculine, you worried your Divine feminine will find somebody else while in separation? Do you want to make sure, she is yours forever? This is the ritual for you! Like the Divine feminine ritual there is no potion involved but its as equally as powerful as the others.

Having sleepless nights worried about your love partner or the lack of one? Do you have nightmares that the person you love is with somebody else other than you? Do you want this person to be fully committed to you and only you? If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions there’s no doubts this ritual is for you!

I had a giggle channeling this ritual, the spell is rather erotic lol! So are you lacking excitement and passion in your relationship? Are you wanting to spice things up? Wanting more fun under those sheets? I swear, there is no doubts this is the ritual for you!

Do you want your partner to devote more time and attention to you? Do you not get the attention you deserve in your relationship? Do you want to be admired and adored by your partner like in the beginning? This is the ritual you need to purchase, now!

Wanting an ever lasting love? A stronger love connection? A connection that lasts the test of time? Then this is the ritual for you!

This ritual is preformed by candles that are invoked with powerful Tibetan symbols, by the end of this 5 part ritual your partner will only have eyes for you, they will treat you like you’ve always wanted to be treated, is this what you want more of in your life?

Life Changes

You don’t need to be 40 to purchase this ritual however, are you feeling stuck and stagnant in life? Are you watching others live their best lives while your just coming and going? Existing but not living? Feeling caged in and wanting to break free? Then this is the ritual for you!

This ritual is done using candles that have been invoked with powerful Tibetan symbols, this will change your life, but more importantly change your soul forever! This is a 3 part ritual by the end of it you will have empowered your soul from within to make these much needed changes in your life. No more procrastinating about life, its time to live it!

This is a serious ritual that will bring massive breakthroughs in your life! Have you always been fearful? Held yourself back in situations because of fear? Are you sick of feeling like this? Do you want to kiss goodbye to fear and living your life like this? Then this is the ritual for you!

This ritual involves a potion that infuses for 21 days after you order, these are not mass produced as your personal intentions need to be in them while I’m creating them. Once you’ve received your potion in person or by post, this ritual is completed in one night, that is how powerful it is! This potion needs to be washed once its been on four hours! This ritual is not suitable for pregnant or breast feeding mothers unfortunately!

Have you always struggled in life? Hard to find your feet with one thing after another? Needing a break from hardship? Do you feel your life is like a magnet for struggling situations? Do you feel this is all life has to offer you? Think again! This ritual was designed to break you free from this type of illusion. Life does not have to be lived like this a moment longer.

This ritual is done using candles that have been invoked with powerful Tibetan symbols, by the end of this 3 part ritual you will be living your best life without struggle in sight!

Are you or somebody you know never contented with life and what you have in it? Do you want to stop feeling like this? Do you want to live life again feeling grateful for everything you have? Then this is the ritual for you!

This ritual is done using candles that have been invoked with powerful Tibetan symbols, by the end of this 3 part ritual, you will have rewired your thinking to appreciate everything and everyone around you!

The title is a little bit misleading, it’s not about bedsores lol it’s about conquering addictions! Are you or somebody you know struggling with addictions? Is yours or somebody you know, life falling apart because of addictions? Do you or somebody you know want to break free of these bad habits forever? Then this is the ritual for you!

Is your pride getting in the way of you living a happy life? Have you missed out on opportunities because of it? Is it getting in the way of you and your happiness? Do you want to start living right now? Then this is the ritual for you!

The Shadow Self

So this ritual is for anybody that finds themselves the victim of dark souls attacking you, like I myself have been! ( I don’t like to use the word victim I prefer to use survivor) they’re the real victims of their own darkness, they sadly refuse to heal. Not healing any of the above traits will cost you dearly in life. So if you can relate to any of the above this ritual is for you!

Have you spent a good part of your life with a compulsive liar like I have? Do you know there’s secrets out there but they’ve not been revealed? Do you want to bring the hidden out to the surface? Do you really want light to be shown on the darkness? Do you know somebody is lying to you and you cant prove it? Now you can because this ritual is a must if you’ve answered yes to any of the above questions. You only need to look at my truth bomb playlist on YouTube to see how well this ritual works ha.

Have you ever wanted something so badly and were glad you never got it in the end? Did you almost make a disastrous mistake in marrying someone ( Like me) only to be relieved you canceled it? Do you find you make bad decisions, one after the other because you rushed in without thinking? Have you received somebody you wished for but cant get rid of the fuckface from your life? Well now you can, permanently.

Are you dealing with somebody that’s pure evil? Somebody with demonic attachments? Are you seeing dark shadows in your home or around people? Are you dealing with a real life demon ( A narcissist, because they all have attachments ) ? Or just nasty pieces of shits like I’ve had to? Have you been on the receiving end of black magic? Or anybody in the home on serious drugs ( I’m not talking weed here)? If you have this ritual is for you!

Are you a jealous cunt or have been on the receiving end of one? Do you want to cure this green eyed monster in yourself or somebody else before it causes serious illnesses in your body ( Because it really does causes cancer)? Now you can, and I hope my haters are reading this, SEE there’s even hope for you fuckfaces after all!

Have you lost your connection to God? No faith in God or a higher source? Do you feel disconnected from self and feelings of being lost in life? Then this is the ritual for you!

This ritual promises to give you a sense of being connected to that higher power. A feeling of belonging and knowing you are safe and protected and that you are not alone in this universe. This 5 part ritual will be worth its weight in gold for you, life will truly not be the same once its completed and that is a blessing you deserve! This ritual is done by candle by invoking it with powerful Tibetan symbols and channeled spells.

The evolvement of life connections

Engaged for donkey’s years but you cant get them to set a date? Are you sitting around waiting to be proposed to but your other half is not getting the hint, or doesn’t want to? Are you nervous she’s going to say no to you? Well look no further we can change that asap ha! ( I may end with more haters after this blog).

This is a real romantic ritual as it involves submitting to one another’s soul in this lifetime. Do you just know your destined to be with somebody forever? Do you need help to move this connection along quicker? Then this is the ritual for you!

Soul vows are stronger than any vows made inside a church, this power ritual will leave you submerged with the soul who your meant to be with, forever! This 5 part ritual is carried out using a candle invoked with powerful Tibetan symbols and a equally powerful spell, once this ritual is fully completed you’ll be with your soul partner forever.

Did you ever find yourself the victim of fuckfaces interfering in your relationship? Do you have haters trying to tear you apart from the one you love? Do you have nasty in-laws with big noses that like to stick them in YOUR business? , if you’ve answered yes to any of those questions this is the ritual for you if there ever was one!

Do you want to be engaged? Is it a dream of yours? Do you spend endless hours looking up rings that you’d like but your hands are bare?, Well not anymore they will be. No guilt tripping , fights or shaming them, once this ritual is completed, your on the way to being committed to, wither they like it or not!

This is a 5 part ritual, by using a candle invoked with powerful Tibetan symbols and a equally powerful spell will give you what it says it will, bare hands no more.

Always the bridesmaid but never the bride? Find yourself window shopping at dresses but no bloody date yet? Frustrated with your partner over it all? Take the hassle out of fighting and over thinking and purchase this ritual, it will be a done deal!

This is a 5 part ritual, by using a candle invoked with powerful Tibetan symbols and a equally powerful spell will have your other half rushing to set a date and get plans made, hello how perfect is ritual like lol? Think of the stress you will save, make it look like he wants this more, have him rushing to arrange everything while you sit back, its fucking golden !

Find yourself undecided with all the wedding plans? Turning into bridezilla with the stress of it all? Has the stress taking over and took all the fun out of it? Is the planning becoming a headache but a wedding coordinator to expensive? I’ve the cheaper option for you!

This 3 part ritual can relieve your stress in days once completed, find the solutions to your problems instantly with less stress! This ritual by using a candle invoked with powerful Tibetan symbols and a equally powerful spell will have all your problems disappear and you’ll be wondering why you allowed it to have so much power over your state of being in the first place!

Are you trying to get pregnant but its just not happening as quickly as you’d like? Are you stressed over having the right ovulation days? Is becoming pregnant consuming your life to the point of obsession? Chill I’ve got just the thing for you, because stress never helps you!

I think you know where I’m headed here with this one! You want a baby ( Or another one) and your not sure how they’re going to react? Want to soften the blow first and have them say yes? Then this is the ritual for you!

In only a 3 part ritual you’ll have them asking you for the baby! I do love when a plan works out naturally and effortlessly , just like that! This ritual is completed by using a candle invoked with powerful Tibetan symbols and a equally powerful spell will have them doing all the begging!

Do you want to have a deeper connection and to solidify your relationship to a higher level? Do you not always know where you stand in your partners eyes? Does they’re in and out energy trigger your insecurities?

This ritual will make you say goodbye to these emotions forever! This 3 part ritual will leave you with no doubts what you mean to your other half, they’ll be sniffing around you like a bloodhound for life! No more second guessing how they feel it will be evident once completed. This ritual is completed by using a candle invoked with powerful Tibetan symbols and a equally powerful spell.

Are you unlucky in love ? Do you keep attracting the same kind of fuckfaces in your life? You want a break from the same old same old? This ritual is perfect for you!

Once this 3 part ritual is complete you’ll have delivered what is meant for you. No more non committal players will you see, Mr & Misses romantic you will keep ( My guides are poetic as fuck )

Mental health

Have you lost your job? Are you feeling humiliated, rejected from friends, family or a partner? Are you struggling to cope with loss of any kind? If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions then this ritual is for you!

This ritual is done by using candles invoked with powerful Tibetan symbols and a channeled spell by the end of this 5 session ritual you will no longer feel how you’ve been feeling. You will have a new sense of confidence about yourself and your abilities, you’ll be ready to take the world by storm!

Are you dealing with nosey fuckers in your life? Are you finding that to many people are interfering in YOURE’ life? Are you sick of people enquiring about what your doing in YOUR life? Do you permanently want remove these nosy fuck faces from your life? Well now you can effortlessly without the drama!

Once all 5 rituals have been completed, there wont be a big nose in sight. Your business will now be your own like it SHOULD of always been! This ritual is done by using candles invoked with powerful Tibetan symbols and a channeled spell combined together this is a unstoppable force against nosiness, even those with the biggest nose will stop their interfering!


Are you dealing with people that are jealous of you? Have you been walked on and stabbed in the back by others so they can get ahead of you in life? Are others trying to stop your fame and success because of their own inadequacies? Do you want this behavior stopped and them permanently removed from your life? Now you can, just like that!

This ritual is done by using candles invoked with powerful Tibetan symbols and a channeled spell combined together will show these people up for their true self. They will never get ahead of you once all 5 rituals have been completed. Say hello to your dream life toxicity free!


Are you dealing with a sad bastard in your life? Are these sad, desperate soul’s causing havoc in your life? Do you want rid of them and their bad energy from effecting you and you’re life? Now you can, it can happen as naturally as singing the abcd song!

This ritual is done by using candles invoked with powerful Tibetan symbols and a channeled spell combined together will remove these fuckers forever! Once all 5 rituals are completed your life will become drama free and more positive because their bad energy wont be linger like a bad smell anymore!

Do you fear old age and death? Do you feel, like many that plastic surgery and Botox is the cure for these insecurities? Do you want these emotions released, pain free and still have your savings in the bank? Now you can, be like me and you can be free!

Insecurities play havoc on our psyche, social media and influencers are the biggest culprit of driving these into you with their photo shopped images! Do you want to be like me and not give two fucks, and actually look forward to ageing gracefully? Once all 5 rituals are completed, you’ll be care free like me, trust me its a wonderful feeling! This ritual is done by using candles invoked with powerful Tibetan symbols and a channeled spell that works instantly!

Are you dealing with low vibrational people? Is their energy effecting yours to the point you know something has to be done and quickly? Are you the low vibrational person and are fed up living this life? Or do you want to change how you are before you die, so you don’t have to repeat this lesson? Its never to late to change ours or another’s life with this ritual, being miserable doesn’t have to be your final destination in life!

This ritual is done by using candles invoked with powerful Tibetan symbols and a channeled spell combined together will leave you in the most positive state you’ve ever been in. once all 5 rituals are completed, say hello to the new you. Your energy will increase by 10 fold and finally you’ll look to life as a positive adventure, again!


Are you suffering with either of these or both? You finding big pharma meds not working? Are you tired of not feeling better no matter what you do or take? Do you feel your GP, doesn’t support you or understand how your feeling, or maybe doesn’t believe that this is real? The real question is, do you want to stop feeling like this and take back your happiness? Now you can medication free!

Once all 5 rituals are completed your not going to know who the fuck you’ve become! Your vibration and energy will increase by 10 fold. Your going to look 5 years younger instantly( Positive energy makes you look more youthful, I’m the perfect example of this). Life is to fucking short to feel like this on a daily basis take back your life and live it again! This ritual is done by using candles invoked with powerful Tibetan symbols and a channeled spell.


The Take Down of the Devil's Hoe

Are you dealing with low life cunts? Ones who have know shame and would do anything to you because they’ve no morals? Are shameless people trying to havoc in your life? Do you want these people to be removed from your life forever? If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions then this ritual is for you.

In this ritual I use candles that are invoked with powerful Tibetan symbols with a equally powerful spell i have channeled from my higher self. All spells in these rituals were mine from a pervious life, gifted back to me by God. This ritual takes 5 sessions to complete, once the last one is complete these fuckers will have been permanently removed from your life, just like that!

Are you dealing with evil people who are trying to disgrace you? Are people running a smear campaign trying to ruin your reputation, like I’ve had? Is enough, enough for you? Do you want to flip that energy, so that they are disgraced and everybody see’s there true self? If so this is no doubts the ritual for you, this ritual is truly powerful as I’m currently doing it to the ones who’ve tried this on me, and its working spectacularly!

A powerful channeled spell is used together with candles invoked with powerful Tibetan symbols, there’s not much hope for these evil fucks trying to get one over on you with this type of ” Send back energy”. The energy is ripe and its on YOUR side! After completing these 5 powerful rituals, its them left sitting disgraced!


Are you dealing with a hoe? Is a devil hoe projecting their sexual activities onto you? Is somebody trying to shame you with THEIR own dirty low life behavior? Are you sick of these promiscuous people that have no respect for their sexual energy, or are you like this and you want to change how you view sex and stop getting it about like a good year tyre? Then this is the ritual for you!

In this ritual I use candles that are invoked with powerful Tibetan symbols with a equally powerful spell I have channeled. Are you ready to showcase this hoe to the world for what they are? Once 5 sessions are completed have no doubts they’ll be seen for their true self and the reckless sexual activities will stop!


Are you stuck for a birthday gift for a cunt in your life? Do you want to gift them what they gifted you? Are you, like me wants to see the scales balanced and karma returned? If your screaming yes to these questions, buy them this ritual its guaranteed to be the best birthday present they’ve ever received!

In this ritual I use candles that are invoked with powerful Tibetan symbols with a equally powerful spell I have channeled from my higher self. These two powerful tools combined will make their day that bit more special, now who’s ego wouldn’t like that! After all 5 sessions are complete they will be feeling on top of the world, left with feelings of being truly special!


Do you dread what lies are going to be said next about you? Do you want to put an end to these venomous liars? Do you want the REAL truth to come out? Are you, like me want to put a spotlight of these cunts and their lies? Well look no further because this will do just that!

In this ritual I use candles that are invoked with powerful Tibetan symbols with a equally powerful spell I have channeled from my higher self. These two powerful tools combined will expose these liars for the world to see, once all 5 sessions are completed!


Are you feeling bored in life or are you dealing with a boring fucker? Is life dull and your craving more excitement in your life? Are you dealing with negative cunts and you want rid? Look no further this is the ritual for you!

Once all 5 sessions are completed life will change for the better. In this ritual I use candles that are invoked with powerful Tibetan symbols with a equally powerful spell I have channeled from my higher self. These two powerful tools combined will bring back the excitement into yours or another’s life! Life does not need to be lived in a boring way anymore.

Are you a kind soul that’s dealing with a narcissist? Are you fed up of having these heartless, evil souls around you? Do you want to get rid of them and their demonic attachments from your life permanently? Purchase this ritual today if your saying yes to any of these questions!

We all know we can ” Never win” with a narcissist, but you can now! This is one of the most powerful rituals I’ve created, no doubts the first of this kind. I was determined to do this for every kind soul who has to deal with the most fucked up personality traits in a human. Empaths listen up we do not need to suffer another moment longer with these psychopaths. Once all 5 sessions are completed these evil souls will be far away from your pure soul, they can NO longer effect you or your energy. In this ritual I use candles that are invoked with powerful Tibetan symbols with a equally powerful spell I have channeled from my higher self. These two powerful tools combined will permanently remove the narcissist from your life!


Do you want to give a evil cunt the biggest surprise of their life? Do you want to shock them (In a good way) the way they’ve shocked you ( In a bad way) look no further than this karma destroyer!

In this ritual I use candles that are invoked with powerful Tibetan symbols with a equally powerful spell I have channeled from my higher self. These two powerful tools combined together will deliver karma to your enemy, as cold as fucking ice! Once all 5 rituals are completed watch their life fall apart in a beautiful way, they will have no doubts that karma is fucking real!

Is your soul so full of light like mine? Are you sick of all this dark workers pretending to be love & light and spiritual when they are the biggest snakes & fakes in this community? Are you, like me sick of these evil souls masquerading and pretending to be like you when they are not? Do you, like me want the world to see these evil, ruthless people for their true self? Do you want to shine the light within you on them and their demons? Look no further if you want to expose them, this is the ritual for you!

It’s truly time to shine all of our light on these devil like souls, just like I have! No community needs to be infected with such dark souls anymore. Once all 5 rituals are completed you’ll be having these snakes take your spotlight you put on them, in their own hands so they shine it even brighter, naturally. This ritual helps you to do all this, effortlessly! In this ritual I use candles that are invoked with powerful Tibetan symbols with a equally powerful spell I have channeled from my higher self. These two powerful tools combined will allow them to take themselves down!

Are you sick of looking at peoples ugly faces & souls? Do you want a better view in life than this? Do you want to bring in more kind, loving, spiritual souls into your life and remove the worthless fakes & snakes around you? I’ve got just the thing!

In this ritual I use candles that are invoked with powerful Tibetan symbols with a equally powerful spell I have channeled from my higher self. These two powerful tools combined will do what it says on the tin, don’t delay manifest today!

Are you sick of people who treat you bad walk around and not give a fuck about it? Are you, like me tired of these immoral souls having no shame or regret for THEIR actions towards you? Do you want them to be made accountable for their mistreatment of you? If your screaming yes ( And not to the dress) this is the ritual that will give you the vindication YOU deserve!

In this ritual I use candles that are invoked with powerful Tibetan symbols with a equally powerful spell I have channeled from my higher self. These two powerful tools combined will give you your just deserves, this will make them sorry they ever came and fucked with you once all 5 rituals are complete they’ll be hanging THEIR heads in shame!

Do you want to end somebodies professional life because they’ve backstabbed, betrayed you and spread vicious lies like they spread their legs to TRY end your professional life? Have you had enough of these evil souls in your life? Are you looking for a permanent solution to these fuck faces so you don’t have to see them another day longer? Well this is truly the ritual for you!

After completing all 5 rituals your dreams will come true, no more fuck faces in your faces, now creating this has brought music to my ears and we all know I love music, it has a tendency to set your soul on fire, but equally this ritual will burn their soul for their evil desires! In this ritual I use candles that are invoked with powerful Tibetan symbols with a equally powerful spell I have channeled from my higher self. These two powerful tools combined will restart your life free of these evil fuck faces who’s life will end in shambles!


Are you sick of these sneaky little church mouses? Do you want to set a trap that hurts them like they’ve hurt you! Do you want the same pain & suffering they’ve put on you to go back to them a thousand fold? Here is the magical solution to all of this!

In this ritual I use candles that are invoked with powerful Tibetan symbols with a equally powerful spell I have channeled from my higher self. These two powerful tools combined will make them squeal like a mouse in a trap? Once all 5 rituals are completed that’s what you will see, them caught in the trap you’ve set for them, they will be left powerless to try to hurt you ever again. They will truly know they’ve fucked with the wrong person!

You want to flip the table and turn things full circle on those who are WRONGING you, well this is the spell for you.
This spell is carried out on my own black candle I made from a channelled spell for protection, powerful Tibetan symbols are put into all my candles I use for all my spells.
This three day ritual once completed will leave those who wronged you wishing they never crossed you!

Have you been legally wronged in someway or have a legal dispute that’s unjust towards you or somebody you love? Or just a unfair situation that is not your karma but are facing it?
Want to make sure the energy is fair and truthful without outside interference? This ritual is completed on a light blue candle that I have made myself with a spell I channelled infused with powerful Tibetan symbols this ritual is no doubts what you need to have spiritual justice on your side!
This ritual is completed over five days.

Are you like me that’s been left waiting to hear others actually speak some truths? Have you been lied to and gaslighted when you tried to seek some truths?
Do you want to get a liar to speak the truth to you finally?
If your screaming yes then this is the ritual for you, completed over five days on a light blue candle I’ve handmade with a channelled spell all candles are then invoked with powerful Tibetan symbols.

Are you dealing with a toxic feminine that’s acting like their slightly touched? Are they failing to get the message? Is somebody in need a of WAKE UP CALL from the universe and you want to give karma a helping hand reach them sooner?? Oh I hear you, you’re dealing with this to?
Well this is just the thing for you, guaranteed to make them spend a moment in reality once all five rituals are completed. My black candle handmade with a channelled spell of protection is used in this ritual which is further powered by Tibetan symbols.

You want an end to the spiritual war waged against you/business/family?
Do you want the universe to respond to you in magical ways? You ready to watch the lives of those who’ve sent BLACK MAGIC your way fall apart? Here you fucking go!
This ten day ritual is completed on handmade black candles channelled with a spell of protection and powerful Tibetan symbols added to enhance the energy of my tool!

Oh don’t you just love seeing those who deserve a tower moment get one? Want to fast forward their destiny a little quicker or are you looking for the universe to end a situation for you and fast? Then this is the ritual for you, carried out on handmade black candle made with a channelled spell of protection and infused with powerful Tibetan symbols this ritual will bring (the best of them) to their knee’s.
This ritual is carried out over five day’s.

Are you needing to connect with your ancestors on a more deeper level to help you combat the warfare sent your way? Are you needing to tap into your own wisdom the wisdom on your soul so you can progress through this spiritual battle unfazed?
Then this is the ritual for you completed over five days on a handmade orange candle made with a channelled spell and infused with powerful Tibetan symbols you will commence from this battle a strong and wiser soul.

Have you been left utterly heartbroken by your spiritual partner/spouse? Have you been lied and cheated on by somebody God choose to love and care for you?
Well it’s never a nice a thing but you can actually do something about it this is the ritual for you completed over five days on a handmade pink candle made with a channelled spell and further empowered with Tibetan symbols this beast of a ritual will leave them in utter regret they ever FUCKED you over!

Ha ha I just love this one ☝️ are you like me and my ancestors and want to show these young dark souls who’s more powerful? Want to force them to be accountable for their actions/behavior/mistakes?
This five day ritual is completed on a handmade black candle made from a channelled spell of protection and further empowered by Tibetan symbols will show these fools that you and your genetic/soul family are NOT to be played with!

Do you want to pull your soulmate closer to you? To you want to feel your connection intensified? Soul connections are already intense when you feel so deeply but do you want to feel that a little more stronger? Are you worried your soulmate is slipping away from you? This is the ritual to reignite those fireworks again completed on a homemade candle made from a channelled spell this ritual is completed over ten days.

Do you want to stop cheating on your partner? Do you feel your behaviour is gone to the point of addiction/obsession and is out of control, yours/theirs?
Completed on a homemade black candle from a channelled spell over five days will change the life of the person

A karmic is anybody/situation that is oppression you and what you want to do on your souls journey in this incarnation.
It can be an ex, it can be your own mother or your children a boss etc
Whatever their reason, it could be power over you, control, dominating behaviour towards you, your hopes wishes and dreams they’ve got to go, but what happens when they won’t fuck off?
You purchase this ritual and off they’ll fuck after completing all five days on a homemade black candle make from a channelled spell of protection these karmic’s will get the message!

Want the person your with/or want to be with to declare their feeling towards you, unapologetically?
Do you like me need their love proved by actions not words? Are you sick about the lack of communication about feelings??
This is the ritual for you, completed over five days on a homemade red candle made from a channelled love spell there will be no more guessing and wondering it will be quite obvious.

Are you sick of the silence between you? Hot then cold communication? Want them to have non stop thoughts about you all day until they reach out to you? This is the ritual for you completed on a homemade yellow candle made from a channelled spell this thirteen day ritual is for you.

You want that man/woman running with lust towards you? Do you want them on every level to want you and only you? Burning with passion and desire to be with you? This is the ritual for you completed over five days on a homemade black candle made from a channelled spell of protection invoked with powerful Tibetan symbols will have the person you want begging for your attention!

You want to literally have someone so into you? Intensifying connection? Do you want to be on somebody’s mind 24/7? Now you can 🙌🏻 this seven day ritual is performed using a handmade black candle made from a channelled spell of protection infused with powerful Tibetan symbols this ritual once completed will have this person going insane over you.

Do you want to make the person your with/soon will be with realise that only you will do to become their husband/wife? Do you want/need them to see your worth/value or just give them that little reminder by a way of energy?
This seven day ritual is completed on a homemade pink candle made from a channelled spell of love & compassion and invoked with power Tibetan symbols will give that person a gentle “ Wake up call” to what they have in you

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If you’re looking for high quality and personal service, you’ve come to the right place. Medium Amy Marie will give you the attention and personal service you’ll come to expect and enjoy 100% satisfactory.

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  • This is only for online readings and healings, For in-person readings and healings, please email me first at
  • Any ritual with a potion can only be shipped to Ireland, UK, Europe and US only and P&P is extra ( it has to be infused for that period and uses straight away or it’s useless).
  • For all spells you need to email your name, or the name of the person you are getting it for, or both.
  • The problem or illness also needs to be emailed.
June 2024
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Eleanor Nolan
“My son and husband and I have all had messages from the spirit world via Amy. She is a wonderful lady and was very accurate in everything that she told us.“
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Diane Mary
“I had a brilliant experience with her very lovely girl down earth very welcoming into her home would recommend her to the highest degree.”
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